Friday, February 9, 2007

Long time no update

Hi everybody! Its been awahile since an update, becuase well not much has happened in a week. Mostly just going to class, laying around the apartment, and watching movies. Speakig of movies and TV the TV here stinks. OMGoodness you guys would be shocked by the commercials especially. The drunk driving ones literally show people getting hit by cars and then them dying on the side of the street. Like up cloce, you can see blood. And most of the time we all search for old american tv that is on somewhere, like friends and scrubs. The one awesome channel we have, Discovery. With mythbusters on at least 4 times a day, which is pretty awesome.

Since all of us here are so poor, I can barely afford to go out. Though we did go out on wed for 80's night at GPO. It was pretty fun, except for the creepy Irish men that wouldnt leave us alone. It sure would be nice to meet some irish guys that I didnt find completly sketchy.

Other than that this week has been pretty much just like home, not doing much of anything. The other day though I did go to the bay with my sketch book and oil pastels becuase I was in an artsy mood. I drew a picture of the bay with the sun beginning to set. The drawing isnt half bad but its no Monet.

This weekend will be spent in Galway, writing papers. BOOOOO. so not fun at all. I have a paper due monday, a midterm on Wed and then another paper due in two weeks. But since I wont be here for the next two weekends I have to get it done now. It just stinks. But I guess I can trade one bad weekend for two in spain and scotland.

To the masquies, thanks for the nomiantion. I'll be sending my platform over for one of the golden girls to read. VOTE FOR ME! Also, break a leg/actor to all those involved in The Drawer Boy, Im sure it is going to be amazing!

Ok thats enough rambling about nothing. Off to the library to start my paper.

Slán agat


Cyndi said...

OMG. sounds like the TV I saw in Australia, the drunk driving commercials were the same, graphic type thing that you'd never see in the US. Good luck with your papers, can't wait to see your drawing. I didn't know you'd be going to Scotland and Spain and so soon, Have fun, want to hear all about them and lots of pix as always. I miss you lots but will write more soon!

Val said...
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Val said...

So I was watching this week's episode of Family Guy and it just so happens that Peter's biological father was actually Ireland's famous town drunk. He ended up going to Ireland to meet him and drink him under the table.

I thought of you ;-)

I'm sad to hear that TV sucks over there. We miss you here! Oh, and the TV does too. He told me!
