Thursday, January 11, 2007

Fire Alarm and no rain didnt rain! Anytime i was outside, or looking out the window i didnt see one drop! its shocking but it was super cool. for once i wasnt walking around looking like a drowned rat and i really appreciate it. my hair looked pretty so it was awesome. also last night i went to the 2 euro store, kinda like a dollar store in the states, and got a huge bag of twix to feed my need for chocolate ever now and then. i think today i am going to try and find the polish store, so maybe i can get so periogi and keilbasa. that would be freakin sweet. im also going regular grocery store shopping today becuase i am out of essentials. basically my diet so far has been bread and noodles i feel like i need to break some meat, veggies and fruits into my diet so i dont come back to the usa 40 pounds heavier, that would be just gross.
Something else super gross, fire alarms at 2 am. boooo big booo. me and my roomies were all snug in our beds when the most obnoxious fire alarm starts ringing and we start freaking out becuase this cant be a drill, this is a real apartment building. so we go downstairs and outside and turns out it was nothing. the landlord just came out, turned it off and we all went back to bed. one thing that was a little discomforting, there is only one way out. there is only oe staircase, so if there really was a fire. i would most likely die. i feel safe. whatev
ok i think that is it for now. me and the roomie have to go shopping and then buy booze for her party:-D

Slán agat

1 comment:

Kate said...

3 things:

your hair always looks pretty.

send me some periogies and kielbasa please :)
