Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Wow it really is super green....

hi all! im alive. right now im at an internet cafe so i am going to type as quick as i can in the next 10mins. ok so the flight over wasnt that bad, a little turbulence(thanks dave for the bad wishes on that one) but other than that not bad. and golden girls you know how we talked about sitting next to cute boys on planes. well i got one. alex he is studying in galway and get this he is a theatre major. he is studying in galway for the semester so maybe ill see him again. we landed they announced that we would be staying on the plane instead of getting off. and you know what i realized, they really do have accents. you know how you alwasys think that maybe they overdo it on movies or that they really dont talk that way....they do. its pretty cool. so me and the 20,000 other study abroad kids on the flight stayed on the plane while we dropped people off in dublin and then took the 20 min flight over to shannon. as we were flying over we realized just how green it is. like really all it was, was green for miles and miles, now i know why they call it the emerald isle. afterwards we landed in shannon we all lugged our luggage up to the bus stop and took a hour and half bus ride up to Galway, where we then walked 10mins with all of our luggage up to our house. let me tell you if you guys visit, pack light. it was a longish walk and my stuff was heavy.
so we get to our apartment, and let me tell you, disorginization is not the word for it. the landlord had no idea who we were staying with so me and my room mate, Sarah, ended up with two girls from marquette named Rose and Beth. They seem very nice. After we finally arrived we walked to the grocery store so we could buy cell phones and some food to get us through. Next we went and got dinner, guess where we got it....McDonalds. I know McDonalds as my first Irish meal. it tasted different but whatev. Following that we walked back to our apartment and unpacked. Next was the pub.
So me and my roomies, and some people they knew from Marquette all headed down to the pub. Called Kennedy's it is just one of many on the square by our apartment. I got a bulmers which is an irish beer, kinda tasted like cider very good. i wasnt quite ready for a guinness i'll get there. but we stayed and talked very cool pub feel. then we went back to our apartment and played catch phrase. awesome time. finally we went to bed and i slept for more than 12 hours because i was so tires. i went to bed at 22 and woke up the next morn or afternoon at 23:15. a very nice sleep.
after i got up though i took the coldest shower known to man. i literally could not stand being underneath it. then we made a shopping list and i am here. so thats it for now, i think today we are going to try and go to the school. and then maybe a pub so it should be fun! i miss you all so much and thanks for the comments on the last post! love you allllllllllll!

Slán agat


Pam said...

have him change his name and you're good to go...

or maybe he could just play the part of a character named seamus patrick o'reilly...i'll write the show and send it over as soon as i can.

Kate said...

congrats, you have tasted your first overseas mcdonalds - you're officially an international traveler! they're pretty much everywhere.

can't wait to hear more :)