Friday, January 26, 2007

I hate computers!

So today I was on my laptop transfering my dublin photos to my jump drive...and what should happen? I managed to delete half of them! I am so so mad. And the ones that got deleted were the best ones, from the top of the guniess brewery where you could see all of Dublin, and the ones of Dublin castle at night! The Castle ones were the best becuase they weren't very touristy, but artsy, sara you would have died. They were so pretty and now there gone. I guess I can steal from others but they will not look the same as mine. boo. Anyways if anyone (cough davey cough) knows how I could ever possibly get this pictures back I would love them forever.

In other news today we are booking flights to Scotland! We are going the last weekend in February. A bunch of people want to go see DMB in concert there so, since im not a huge fan, Im just going along for the ride and I'll go to a pub instead of the concert. I think we are staying 4 days 3 nights. It should be really really cool. Im so excited for all of these trips. Hopefully I wont lose those pictures too. Anyways I think thats it for now. Dublin pics, what i have, are up! Have a look see! Miss you all!

Slán agat


Cyndi said...

By DMB, do you mean Dave Matthews Band? and if so I can't believe you're giving up the oppt. to see them, i love them. besides u shouldn't be going to a pub by yourself. Anyway, sorry to here about the pix but the ones you poster were pretty all the same. miss you <3

Sara said...

Ugh, I HATE when you lose pictures. I feel your pain. :(

Val said...

Liz, if I could I would! Sorry to hear about your pictures, I hope they turn up somewhere on your jump drive! I'm glad to see you're having fun. Miss you!